This package is heavily inspired by rehype-slug and rehype-autolink-headings. If you are already using MDsveX with some other rehype
plugins, rehype-slug
and rehype-autolink-headings
should already work well.
operates at build time and does the following:
search for matching elements (heading elements by default),
attributes from element content,add anchor tag to element.
alone is not that interesting. When paired with @svelte-put/toc (runtime logics), however, they provide a minimal and efficient solution for generating table of contents.
npm install --save-dev @svelte-put/preprocess-auto-slug@^1.0.0
pnpm add -D @svelte-put/preprocess-auto-slug@^1.0.0
yarn add -D @svelte-put/preprocess-auto-slug@^1.0.0
Given the following config…
import autoSlug from '@svelte-put/preprocess-auto-slug';
/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Config} */
const config = {
preprocess: [autoSlug()],
export default config;
…and the following source code…
<h2>Quick start</h2>
will generate the following HTML:
<h2 id="quick-start">
<a href="#quick-start" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1">#</a>
Quick Start
Almost every aspect of preprocess-auto-slug
can be customized, including which tags to process, how id
and href
are generated, or the placement of the anchor tag. To avoid being verbose, utilize language server during development or see the type definitions here for more details.
This documentation site uses this very package. Most id
and link tag for headings are auto-generated during build. See svelte.config.js as an example for a more complex use case.
will generate duplicated id
for matching nodes rendered inside each
block. In such cases it is recommended to manually specify id
for the node.
{#each new Array(2) as _, index}
<h2 id="section-heading-{index}">Section Heading {index}</h2>
<h2 id="section-heading-0">
<a href="#section-heading-0" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1">#</a>
Section Heading 0
<h2 id="section-heading-1">
<a href="#section-heading-1" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1">#</a>
Section Heading 1
Happy slugging! 👨💻