@svelte-put/preprocess-inline-svg GitHub

svelte preprocessor to inline static svg at build time

@svelte-put/preprocess-inline-svg @svelte-put/preprocess-inline-svg @svelte-put/preprocess-inline-svg changelog

Migrating to Svelte 5? See the new docs site here.

Deprecation Notice

In Svelte 5, this package is merged into @svelte-put/inline-svg for cohesiveness. If you are using Svelte 5 today, head over to Migration Guides for more information.


Current solutions (that I know of) for inlining SVGs in Svelte land require either runtime logics or a component-oriented strategy. These solutions are acceptable in most cases but have been proven to be problematic when additional styling / attributes are needed for the inlined SVGElement.

This package tries to achieve zero runtime footprint with no additional component. The idea is to enable the following…

<svg inline-src="google/info"></svg>

…which will automatically read from a source svg and inline it at build time. Additional styling and attributes can now be added idiomatically as with any other HTML element.

Prior Art

Runtime Solution

This package works best with static SVGs like icons and pictograms. For dynamic SVGs (i.e fetched from network), use @svelte-put/inline-svg - an action-based strategy with a similar API to that of this package.

<svg use:inlineSvg={'https://example.com/icon.svg'}></svg>


npm install --save-dev @svelte-put/preprocess-inline-svg@^2.0.0
pnpm add -D @svelte-put/preprocess-inline-svg@^2.0.0
yarn add -D @svelte-put/preprocess-inline-svg@^2.0.0


preprocess-inline-svg is a Svelte preprocessor. There are two ways to use it:

  • Use the bare preprocessor, which works in all setup, especially helpful when the order of preprocessors is important.
  • Use the Vite plugin, which wraps Svelte preprocessor and provides additional Typescript support, but must be used, unsurprisingly, with Vite.

Given one of the following setup…

import inlineSvg from '@svelte-put/preprocess-inline-svg';

/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Config} */
const config = {
  preprocess: [
    // input to `inlineSvg` can be either a single object or an array of such
        directories: 'src/assets/icons',
        attributes: {
          class: 'icon',
          width: '20',
          height: '20',
        directories: 'src/assets/pictograms',
    // other preprocessors
export default config;
import { inlineSvg } from '@svelte-put/preprocess-inline-svg/vite';
import { sveltekit } from '@sveltejs/kit/vite';
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
    // make sure inlineSvg comes before `svelte` or `sveltekit` plugin
          directories: 'src/assets/icons',
          attributes: {
            class: 'icon',
            width: '20',
            height: '20',
          directories: 'src/assets/pictograms',
        inlineSrcAttributeName: 'inline-src',

…and the asset files as follow…

    |-- icons
         |-- svelte.svg
         |-- google
               |-- arrow-right.svg
         |-- simpleicons
               |-- github.svg
    |-- pictograms
         |-- diagram.svg

…we can now do…

<!-- this will have width="20" height="20" as specified in the config -->
<svg inline-src="svelte" />

<!-- nested -->
<svg inline-src="google/arrow-right.svg" />
<!-- .svg can be omitted -->
<svg inline-src="simpleicons/github" />

<!-- with custom attributes -->
<svg inline-src="diagram" width="100" height="100" />

<!-- alternatively, you can provide a per-case path that is relative to the current source file -->
<svg inline-src="./local-icon.svg" />

<!-- if the source svg is not found for any of the above, an error will be thrown -->

The .svg extension may be omitted from the path provided to inline-src.

Attributes and Inner HTML

Attributes provided to the svg element where inline-src is specified will replace existed ones from the original SVG. On the contrary, its inner HTML will be replaced with that from the original SVG.

Take the following SVG as an example:

<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" height="24" stroke-width="2">
  <!-- truncated original svg innerHTML -->

And inlineSvg is used as follows:

<svg inline-src="./local-icon.svg" height="16" stroke-width="1">
  <!-- some innerHTML -->

The resulting SVG at runtime will be:

<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" height="16" stroke-width="1">
  <!-- truncated original svg innerHTML -->

Notice that the width attribute is not automatically calculated for you in the output above. Make sure to provide both dimensions. This behavior differs from @svelte-put/inline-svg, which automatically calculates the missing dimension to preserve aspect ratio. The rationale is that preprocess-inline-svg operates at build time with static SVGs, so it trusts your intention. If you think otherwise, feel free to open a discussion.

If you have a use case where it is useful to append/prepend the innerHTML of the original SVG rather than replacing it, please raise an issue over at github. For now, let’s keep things simple.

Typing the inline-src Attribute

This feature is only available when the Vite plugin is used, see Setup for more information about Vite plugin vs Svelte preprocessor config.

The preprocess-inline-svg Vite plugin provides automatic typing generation (enabled by default) for the inline-src attribute when multiple svg sources are configured. There are a couple of steps needed to get this working.

  1. Set the inlineSrcAttributeName option to a non data attribute (this is because currently data attributes do not get intellisense with svelte-check, for some strange reason).

    import { inlineSvg } from '@svelte-put/preprocess-inline-svg/vite';
    import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
    export default defineConfig({
      plugins: [
            // ... sources as in Setup section
          // section parameter to `inlineSvg` is the config object
            inlineSrcAttributeName: 'inline-src',
        // ...
  2. Set typing in an additional-svelte-typing.d.ts file, following instruction here from the Svelte language-tools team

    declare module 'svelte/elements' {
      export interface SVGAttributes {
        'inline-src'?: string;
    export {};

The inline-src attribute should be strongly typed now. For example, with the assets as shown in Setup, the typing should be:

// import('@svelte-put/inline-svg/preprocess').Source
export type Source =
  | `./${string}`
  | `../${string}`
  | 'svelte'
  | 'google/arrow-right'
  | 'simpleicons/github'
  | 'diagram';

To disable this typing generation, set sourceTypingGeneration option to false.


preprocess-inline-svg only works in Svelte markup, i.e in the template part of Svelte files. The following will not work.

  let html = `<svg inline-src="path/icon"></svg>`;

<!-- eslint-disable-next-line svelte/no-at-html-tags -->
{@html html}

preprocess-inline-svg does not support inline-src as a variable. The following will not work.

<script lang="ts">
  export let icon: string;

<svg inline-src={icon} />

This is because it is difficult for the preprocessor to statically analyze a variable to determine its immutability at build time, i.e a variable is meant to be changed. In these case, some alternatives are:

  • use if-else statements to switch between inline-src as literal strings, or
  • use @svelte-put/inline-svg as a runtime action-based strategy.

If you have an idea for improvements, please raise an issue over at github. Thanks!


All options in the config object are optional. By default preprocess-inline-svg can be setup with no config at all, in which case SVG source paths are resolved relative to the Svelte source file inline-src is specified in.

Note that path alias is not supported in preprocess-inline-svg! For example, "$lib/src/assets/..." will not work.

Alternatively, the directories option can be specified (as seen in Setup) to conveniently omit the need for verbose pathnames.

Source Config

The first parameter to preprocess-inline-svg can be either a single object, or an array of such (as seen in Setup), helpful for organizing SVG sources into different directories.

When source parameter is an array of config objects, the following applies: there can be only one config object without the directories option, taken as the default config and will be used for all SVG sources not covered by other config objects. If multiple config objects without directories are provided, an error will be thrown during build. If none is provided, the internal default config is used.

During build, each SVG source will then be searched top down in the config until a match is found, or else an error will be thrown. Local SVG (local to current Svelte source file) always has the highest priority and will use the default config as described above.

Below is the type signature for preprocessor.

 * sources for the inline svg
export type SourceConfig = {
	 * directories relative to which the svg source path will be resolved
	directories?: string[] | string;
	 * default attributes to add to the svg element, will override the attributes from the svg source,
	 * but be overridden by the attributes from the element itself (in svelte source)
	attributes?: Record<string, string>;

 * global options for configuring behaviors of the inline-svg preprocessor
export type InlineSvgConfig = {
	/** attribute to get the svg source from, default to `data-inline-src` */
	inlineSrcAttributeName?: string;
	/** whether to keep the inline src attribute after build, default to `false` */
	keepInlineSrcAttribute?: boolean;

export type inlineSvg = (
  sources?: SourceConfig | SourceConfig[],
  config?: InlineSvgConfig
) => import('svelte/types/compiler/preprocess').PreprocessorGroup

Future Work

This package is kept minimal as it has served its purpose for all my need. If you find that this package lacks certain feature that is essential to your use cases, please file an issue. Thank you!

Some possibilities:

  • Support for svgo?
  • Support for fetching remote SVG from inline-src at build time?

Happy inlining SVGs! 👨‍💻

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